“Good ERO report for Ngunguru childcare”
The Whangarei Report

ERO report

Centre Philosophy

The needs of the child shall be the first and greatest consideration, with care and education enhancing the development of the child and supporting the family.

Education and Care

Pipis provides an environment that is physically and emotionally safe for all.

Our qualified, professional teaching team follow Te Wháriki, the National Early Childhood Curriculum which supports children learning through active exploration.

Our teachers will create fun and stimulating learning opportunities for your child every day.

Culture and Environment

We are a mixed age centre that celebrates and encourages tuakana / teina relationships where younger children learn from older siblings and peers and older children develop leadership skills.

All children are given the opportunity to develop and practice a broad range of social compentencies.

We recognise the cultural heritage of Aotearoa and are committed to incorporating bicultural practice.

We provide consistency of routines and behaviour expectations which promotes respect, responsibility and contribution.


Pipis welcomes Parents and Whànau into the centre anytime.

Parents ideas and aspirations for their child are valued.

We encourage and foster engagement with our special coastal community and Ngunguru School.